The Student Activities and Leadership (SAL) Cell: A Catalyst for Leadership at The NCU - NCUIndia

The Student Activities and Leadership (SAL) Cell: A Catalyst for Leadership at The NCU

14th Jun, 2024

The NorthCap University (NCU) being a Multidisciplinary University, offers campus life which is rich in various activities allowing students to discover their interests and abilities apart from studying. The Student Activities and Leadership (SAL) Cell is a powerful hub through which students engage in enriching experiences and develop their leadership skills. As a leading cell encompassing various clubs and events, and community service, SAL plays a critical role in the process of developing future leaders. This article delves into how these activities under SAL help in the complete development of the students as well as equip them for their future leadership endeavors.

A Hub of Opportunities: SAL is the yard stick at NCU that measures student experience. Through its several clubs ranging from over 55, there are numerous clubs with different interests in which students are given the opportunity to express themselves as well as enhance their inherent abilities. These clubs are quite diverse starting from technical clubs and performing arts continuing with community service and social action clubs. This makes it possible for every student to become a member of a club that suits him or her and where he/she can develop to become a better person.

Holistic Development through Extracurricular Activities: Students understand that participation in the activities which are extracurricular is not just entertainment; it is a process in which they are involved in learning the key skills of life. Students at NCU involved in these activities are required to work in teams as they share concepts and solutions to various issues. Its focus on working together which helps in developing teamwork, communication, and leadership qualities. This can be through the organization of a cultural festival, a debating event, or a community service project. The point is that students acquire the skills of allocating and managing resources and of coordinating the activities of a team and of making decisions in situations of uncertainty – all of which are skills of fundamental importance for anyone who would be called a leader.

Showcasing Talent Beyond Academics: SAL offers the students many platforms where they can express their skills. A student’s life is closely connected with various events on and off campus, including theatre productions, dance performances, musical events, which all help students disclose their creative potential and build confidence. Momentum is a grandiose event that is held once a year and is dedicated to the demonstration and development of creativity and technology. Here, events are such as fashion shows, street plays, group dances, and musicals in which students compete with students at other universities thus exposing them to a wider field and experience.

Engaging with the Arts and Culture: It can be claimed that cultural activities are strong at NCU. Some organizations like SPIC MACAY are also provided as platforms through which students can experience great classical performances by musicians and dancers from across the world. The benefit of this exposure to the arts is that students’ cultural awareness and understanding are improved; their views are expanded, and emotional lives are developed.

Technical Mastery through Clubs: Some extra-curricular clubs in NCU organize technical meetings and talks in different disciplines to ensure that students are well enlightened on the latest technologies. These workshops focus on interactions and enable the participants to develop practical knowledge in graphic designing and 3D game development as well as web designing and code optimization. This makes it important for students who hope to head IT companies in future to understand these technical aspects.

Adventure and Recreation: Another activity within the Recreational Club at NCU is adventure trips held at least once a year that involve both learning and fun. These trips are meant to enhance self-confidence as well as enhance teamwork and at the same time encourage curiosity to learn more about the environment. 

Commitment to Community Service: The involvement and contribution of NCU to the community is expressed in the curriculum and through special events organized by different clubs. The Volunteer Hours institute is a part of the new curriculum that is in line with the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020. It is to ensure that all students have a chance to participate in service learning. There are a number of clubs in the University focusing on social causes like Club Yukti, NSS NCU , Rotaract Club etc. organizing for several initiatives throughout the year. Some of these activities are donation drives, awareness seminars, street plays, blood donation camps, and literacy programs. The students who are involved in such activities do not only help others in need but also develop the sense of responsibility and empathy in them. NCU’s intention to support the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals is an important statement concerning the university’s attraction to the issue of global welfare. Through such community and education-focused services and programs, SAL, NCU is able to serve the important function of encouraging the next generation of leaders to appreciate and support such socially beneficial goals.

Leadership qualities amongst students are best nurtured by the SAL through the numerous activities and opportunities availed by them at NCU. Through such activities students gain skills of being proactive, being able to coordinate even a small group and even to organize a small project. They learn to think critically and solve problems, and to express their ideas clearly, and build their self-confidence in their prospective working environment.

Consider the example of various alumni who played a crucial role in arranging the Techno-Cultural festival called Momentum of the same year as his/her graduation. They used to plan, organize, schedule, delegate, and supervise the operations of the event including contacting the various departments, planning budgets and so on. This experience turned out to be useful when they began working in a large corporation. Today they are the operations manager at the given global corporation, the senior logistic analyst at the given top of the supply chain firm and alike. Managing complex tasks and pressure which they acquired from various operational duties they performed at SAL has benefited their career. Many of them link the shift to learning about teamwork and strategic thinking from the SAL experience.

These personal accounts demonstrate that SAL is not just an opportunity for students to pursue their interests outside the classroom; its principal function is to develop future leaders. These activities are of great benefit to students since they facilitate their learning and offers them experience in real life situations, hence shaping them into responsible employees ready to take up responsibilities in the corporate world.

To conclude, the Student Activities and Leadership (SAL) Cell of The NorthCap University is not merely an organizer of extracurricular events but a place of future leaders’ cultivation. Students at NCU have various clubs and activities that they can participate in, and these not only help students to engage in things that they are passionate about but also gives them skills and character traits that are important in their workplace and the society in general. SAL is directly involved in the process of creating successful personalities by developing their talents, building professional and social interaction skills, and focusing on the future career and social prospects of students.As you are on the road to superior academics and career, consider what SAL at NCU, the best private university in Haryana unfolds. To know more about The NorthCap University’s SAL you may click on this link: and to know more about The NorthCap University, Gurugram you may visit its official website:

Authored By

Lokesh Choudhary
(Member Secretary, SAL and Faculty, Department of Multidisciplinary Engineering)
Assistant Professor (Selection Grade)
The NorthCap University, Gurugram

Areas of Expertise: Special Concretes, Application of Industrial Wastes, Foundation Analysis & Design, Ground Improvement.

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