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MathJests Quiz Competition

MathJests Quiz Competition

Mathemactive Society of NCU organized a multi round aptitude as well as math quiz named MathJests competition for all the students of B.Tech, BSc (H) Maths, BSc (H) Physics, MSc Maths and BBA on 11th MARCH, 2019 and 13TH MARCH, 2019 in the Seminar Hall. The first round was held on 11th March, second and third round were held on 13th March. The event was a multilevel quiz cum game based on mathematics and mental ability. The participants were judged on the basis of their skill and their ability to cope up with time. The first round was “NUMBER SULTAN’S” quiz based on basic aptitude and reasoning questions with a limited time of 20 minutes. Around 90 students participated in the event out of which 25 students qualified for the second round.  The second round was “MAGIC STAR” in which students have to solve questions given to them in the form of a star. The round was appreciated by all. Only 8 students qualified the second round.The third round was “THE MAZE” quiz based on the puzzle. The winners of the competition were given trophies and certificates Aitereya BSc (H) Maths (1st)(18BSM001) , Soham Dahiya B. Tech (2nd)(17CSU192) and Hiten Yadav(3rd)(17CSU082). Participation certificates were given to all. The tropies were given to all coordinators of the society for the session 2018-19. The whole event was coordinated by Dr. Anshu and Prof. Kalika Srivastava.

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